Thursday, January 17, 2008

Winter in Ohio

Mid-January + Ohio = brrrrr.....

Winter has settled in, I think. I don't mind the snow. And, right now, I don't mind the cold so much. However, I'd like to register my complaint about the gray. It's just so gray.

The sky is gray. The trees are gray. The dirty snow is gray.

Now, don't get me wrong. Gray is a perfectly nice color and all. For silk blouses. And wool slacks. And a lovely topcoat in cashmere, maybe.

But I miss the sunshine.

I must say, though, that the brilliant red of a male cardinal surely is a bright spot in the otherwise gray day....

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My Dream House is Gone

It's a bittersweet day for me.

My house in Texas isn't "my" house anymore. I'm very happy that the bills aren't mine anymore, considering we don't live there. But it was my dream house. And it's gone. And I'm a little sad.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Yikes! I lost 2 months!

Holy Moly.

I can't believe my last blog was 2 months ago.

I have been so busy with.... life, that I have been just too preoccupied to put it into words. And that's not good.

I'm now residing full time and permanently in Ohio. It's been quite a change. Funny, I remember thinking the same thing when I moved to Texas 13 years ago. I remember telling people, "Texas really is a whole 'nuther country." And I was really amazed at how different it felt to me.

Well, after 13 years in Texas, Ohio feels like Smalltown America. And that's both good and not so good. I tearfully told hubby today, "I hate living here!" And quickly took it back. I don't hate living here; but I'm not crazy about some of it. I feel quite alone at times. A lot of the time, in fact. I know it takes time to settle in. I know it takes time to find your "place." I'm trying, honestly, I am.