Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Magic Water, Peepers and Crud

For the last week, I've been planting starter trays of flower seed. Most of them are supposed to take 10 or more days to germinate, but I've got germination in 3 areas that were planted 7 days ago at most. Is it magic water? Is it my awesome genetic green thumb?? LOL Don't know, but I'll take it!

Peepers are, according to Wikipedia, a sure sign that winter is winding down. I surely hope so. The 4,398,452 peepers that live in our pond/marsh are in full mate hunting voice. Yowza, they're incredibly loud for such little creatures!! But, if they're a sign of spring, well then, go for it peeps!

And lastly today.... crud. I have The Crud. Woke up in the middle of the night sneezing, coughing and sniffling. All day, my right sinus has been achy, itchy, draining and dripping. My eye has been watering. I feel like cra*. All I want to do is lie around. And that's pretty much what I've done. Oh the joys of being unemployed. ;)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Dancing With the "Stars"

yeah, "stars" in quotation marks... imagine my fingers doing air quotes. " "

I enjoy DWTS because. Can't really explain it. I've tried. Oh, believe me, I've tried. But, in the end, I do, because I do.

So, last night's debut for this season featured 13 couples. After viewing the show this morning on DVR, and fast-forwarding thru the judges' comments (because they annoy me), here's my take (fwiw):

In alphabetical order:
Belinda Carlisle: i'd give her a 6. should be back next week. will be interesting to see if she can get over her nausea.

David Alan Grier: give him a 5. should be back.

Shawn Johnson: loved her!! i'd give her an 8. i'll go out on a limb and say final four!

L'il Kim: 6. we'll see what Derek does with her unique talents.

Holly Madison: one of the "stars".... i'd give this girl a 4, and her hair a 1. oh dear.... get her a colorist, please. don't think she'll be around too long.

Gilles Marini: yowza! 10!!! oh, his dancing? 8, maybe 9.... hot pairing with Cheryl. did i say yowza? final four.

Ty Murray: 3. man does not have hips. man needs hips for dancing. don't think he'll be around very long.

Steve-O: 6. i'm not a fan. but there were worse last night. don't think he'll be around too, too long, but there are probably 3 or 4 that should go before him.

Denise Richards: 6. if the girl is already crying in rehearsals and it's only week 1, do we think she has it for the long haul? uh, no. shame, too, cause i love watching Maks dance.

Melissa Rycroft: 8. with only 2 days of rehearsal? wow. Melissa got game. i'm surprised, but i'm gonna say final four for her, too. and she has the sympathy vote right now.

Lawrence Taylor: 6. big man looked stiff and really uncomfortable out there with the half-naked Edwina. unless he's hiding something i don't think he's got the goods to go all the way.

Chuck Wicks: 6. teamed with his little girlfriend, i won't count him out, yet. i bet julianne works his butt off the next couple weeks.

Steve Wozniak: 3. i guess they gave him to Karina so she'll be done soon, so she can plan her wedding??

Bottom 3 this week, for me: Holly, Ty and Woz.
Top 3, easy: Shawn, Gilles, Melissa.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Full, but not Satisfied

You know how you can eat a great, gourmet meal of, say, fish and green beans....

and you can be "full" but you think "I could go for a cookie...."

You're full, but not satisfied?

I think life is like that, too.

You can have a great, full life, but still have a yearning for something else, something more.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring is on the way!!!

I have signs of spring:

a robin

a flock of starlings, grackles and red-winged blackbirds

bees around the bird feeders

62 degrees!!!

open windows

daffodils pushing thru the dirt

landscapers measuring for mulch....

can spring be far off?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Answering Machines

I really don't like calling a doctor's office and getting an answering machine right off the bat.

What if I have an emergency??? Do I want to sit thru all the "options" to figure out who I need to dial?

Or, what if I just need to make an appointment? And you're telling me to just leave a message? Shall I say, "I'd like an appointment with Dr. Smith on the 14th @ 3 PM?"

I just think they're rude on doctor's phone systems. There should be someone to answer, even if they, then, need to put me on hold.

Don't'cha think?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Bachelor- why not?

I mean, really, everyone else is blogging about The Bachelor today, why not me?

People: it's NOT reality TV!!! It's partially scripted, heavily edited, soft porn, public humiliation.

Where, oh where, does ABC find these women who are willing to give up all privacy and check their self-esteem at the limo door?

And, by the way, how much does privacy sell for these days? I've read $5,000,000.

Truly, this is an idea whose time has come, and gone. Please, ABC, be done with it.

Monday, March 2, 2009


Please, listen to your body.

You KNOW when something's not "right".... really, trust yourself.

If you tune in to your body's messages, what "good" feels like, what "normal" feels like, what "fine" feels like, then you'll know when something isn't good, normal or fine. Then, don't ignore it.

There are really very few "silent" illnesses, diseases, or killers. They call to you.



Sunday, March 1, 2009

Feb 29?

My weather seems to think it's still February....

We had a cold, snowy, blustery day here in northeast Ohio. I realized that, some years, this IS still February, right? The leap day. February 29.

Snow in February is common enough.
