Monday, November 24, 2008

My Windowsill Garden

The ground is covered with snow, and more is forecast for tonight.... and tomorrow.... which makes perfect sense given the fact that I live in NE Ohio and it is November.

But I have flowers in bloom!!

Back in October (seems like forever ago), I moved some plants inside. I moved 4 geraniums, 2 Christmas cacti, and a begonia inside for the winter. I put the big potted geranium downstairs by the sliding glass doors, 2 small ones in my middle bedroom by the window and the tiniest one on my kitchen windowsill. By the way, that's a southwest-ish window.... I put one cactus on my sideboard in the kitchen and the smaller one on the kitchen windowsill. And the begonia is down by the sliding glass doors for now, as well.

Well, my Christmas cacti have bloomed! They're lovely!! And the geraniums have all bloomed; 2 have lost all their flowers but they're still green and growing. So, sitting on my kitchen windowsill is the small cactus which has by now stopped blooming, albeit holding on to one unopened bud, strangely enough, and the tiny salmon flowered geranium, still blooming.

When I moved the plants in, I saw that there was some sort of "other" plant in the pot with the small cactus. The leaves kind of resembled pansy leaves, so I left it in to see what would happen. I didn't plant it there. It is a volunteer; don't know how the seed got in there- I'd guess a bird put it there, but who knows?

This morning, I realized the "other" plant had a flower on it. It's a viola!! Tiny purple and yellow, smiling face, viola! I don't quite know how she got there, like I said, but I love her!! And I feel blessed that she chose to live with us, for now. I have no idea if I'll be able to keep her alive or if there will be other blossoms, but for now, she makes me smile.

Between the birds at the feeders and the plants in the windows, I may just survive this long gray winter, in spite of the cold and snow.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Trying to get my life back together


I've been sick for about a week now. Nothing horrid. Nothing fatal. Just a nasty sinus infection. I keep thinking I'm about to turn the corner to that spot where you go, "ah, yes, I'm feeling better" but, not just yet. Not quite.

In the meantime, life goes on, right?

Working on getting DS#1 ready to go to London in about 5 weeks.... No lack of drama there, as usual. His visa came quickly enough- but with an error on it. So he's spent the past 2 weeks trying to talk to someone, anyone, to take care of it. Finally found that someone yesterday. Passport is back in the mail today. He still doesn't have a place to live. That application should go in the mail today, too. We've been waiting for references. People, please hear me: If someone asks you to write a reference for them, and you agree to do so, please do it immediately. We've been waiting for 2 references for at least a month. And we who are waiting hate to bug those who have promised to write. After all, we want a good reference, don't we? I figure the rest of it- the finishing of undergrad classes, etc. is up to him. All I can do is worry. And worry, I do.

Taking care of hubby is progressing toward a more positive place, too. He's finally able to bear weight on that healing hip. We measure his progress in things like: he can stand in the shower, and he can take off his own pants, and he's now sitting in a regular dining room chair instead of his superduper souped up rolling chair. We actually went "out" for lunch today to Quizno's. It was his first foray into a restaurant since the fall. So, forward progress, if baby steps.

I'm so far behind in my coursework that I feel it hanging over me like a lead balloon. I really struggle with spending every waking hour on it when I feel like I have so many other things that need to be tended to, too.

DS#2, in Nice, is doing well. He's making friends and joining in all the fun that life in Nice has to offer. I still miss him like crazy, but knowing that he's well, and chatting with him almost daily by IM makes it bearable. almost.

There's where we are, today. And as I tell my boys often:

It is what it is.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

OK people, seriously now.

It's what, November 6.

It's WAY too early for Christmas lights on homes.


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Day After

I'm glad the political ads are off my TV.

I'm glad there won't be 14 pieces of political junkmail today.

I'm glad I won't get 8 text messages today. LOL

I'm glad the outcome was so clear. There can really be no questions this time.

I'm so excited and hopeful at the prospects of this new Presidency.

I know he won't be perfect. I know he won't be able to do everything he said he wants to do. I know some of his plans won't work. This is the truth of politics in this and every country. But I do believe that this is the right direction for my country at this time and place.

God bless our new president and God bless the USA.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

An Historic Day

No matter which party you support, today's election is an historic event.

We, the people, will either have a biracial President or a female VicePresident, based on our free and unrestricted right to vote.

Yes, our RIGHT to vote. It is guaranteed by our Constitution. More, though, it is a privilege that we can and do vote every 4 years, like clockwork. We vote without fear of reprisal, without fear of retaliation, without fear, period.

There are people around the world who literally die trying to exercise their vote.

We need to remember, no matter the outcome of THIS election, that we are blessed to be citizens of this great experiment in democracy, the United States of America.

In 4 years, come hell or high water, we'll do it all again.

No doubt.

No fear.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Interesting read

I'm kinda Over Oprah, but I picked up this magazine at the gym....

may 2008

page 249

interesting read.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Tell me about your political experience this year

I've had 2 in person canvases....

At least 1 text message a day, more often 2 or 3, for weeeeeeeeeeks, lol.

At least 1 phone call a week for the last 2 months.

and a ridiculous amount of mail from EVERYone about everything. Last Friday? 14 pieces of political mail. 13 of them unsolicited. 1 was yet another bumper sticker for the son, who now has 6 stickers on his vehicle. I sure hope most of them are clings.

Anyone want to share their experiences?

Just a thought, or two

My neighbor has her Christmas tree up!

Yay for frosted blueberry poptarts.... lol.

The hawk has visited 3 times now!!

Red wine + muscle relaxers = night night.

When do the political ads stop??

Why are orthotics so flippin' uncomfortable?

Men's suits are expensive!

Still can't find my winter jacket....