Thursday, June 26, 2008

And the list bites the dust

I don't think I can do any more 'things I like about me.'

I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm not real comfortable doing it....

There are, to be sure, things I like about myself, but digging them out, naming them, writing about them? Nah, not so much.

I hope there are things other people like about me. I mean, there must be because I do have friends, and there must be something to like to build a friendship on, right? So, my friends, I love you for your friendship, for your support, for your words of kindness and love over the years. And I beg you to continue to love me even though I'm quitting my list of things. ;)

There are so many things that are more fun to talk about, so let's just talk about other things, shall we?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Number 7 of the things I like about me

7) I'm self sufficient.

At least most of the time. I wasn't much coddled as a child and I grew up being very self sufficient. In our early married years, Hubby traveled a great deal with his work, so my self sufficiency matured. During the child-rearing years, the patterns continued.

Thus, I reach the place I am today. I am a grown up woman, with grown up children, who really rarely "needs" anything from anyone.

From time to time I cross a jar I can't open on my own. Actually, I probably could if I persevered, but why bother when there are 3 strong men in the house?? I call for muscle and, presto change-o, the jar is open!

Yesterday, I bought a new filter for the aquarium. Let me just say I've been dealing with aquarium stuff for over 20 years. And I've never had any trouble with a filter. You put it together, hang it over the edge, fill it with water, plug it in and it goes. Except yesterday, it would not go. Would not run, for whatever reason. Brand new filter, right out of the box, not working.

I will admit to becoming very frustrated after about 30 minutes of fiddling with it. I gave up. I unplugged it and walked away, saying to Omar, "I'll have Dad take a look at it...."

After dinner, I tackled it again. I fiddled. I wiggled. I cursed. I sighed. I got it working!!!

I still don't know why the darn thing wouldn't work right off, but eventually it did, and I felt like I deserved something.... like a Pulitzer Prize for domestic engineering?

Monday, June 23, 2008


I LOVE Wimbledon!!! I love the tennis; I love the "event"; I love the village; I love Wimbledon!!

There are 2 things about Wimbledon I don't love: the rain delays, but hey, it's Wimbledon, so what'dya expect? and the mispronunciation. So many people try to be correct and say "WimbleTon".... no, folks, it's a 'D' and therefore: WimbleDon. Take note, Reege, please!! lol

I love the tradition. No matter how colorful tennis attire becomes, Wimbledon requires white. Tennis whites are so beautiful against the lush green grass of the courts. Only recently have they "allowed" men to go sleeveless. Only recently have they given up the bow and curtsy to the royal box. And I kinda wish they had not given these 2 concessions to modernity. I loved the old school feel of it all.

I love the fan-friendliness of the venue. People queue for hours for grounds passes, which allow you to wander around and watch any match that isn't on center court, or courts 1 or 2 reserved seating. Yes, the queue is often hours long, sometimes overnight! But it's so affordable, and you can see legends play for cheap if you're patient!

I love the tennis! This is the only grass court championship, anywhere. And not everyone can play grass court tennis. It's not exactly like playing rebound or clay. It is unique, unto itself. It almost seems as if the grass has a personality of it's own. There will inevitably be an upset or 2 during the fortnight, and we watch in anticipation.

All that being said, let the tennis begin!! The fortnight is underway!! Yay, Wimbledon!!!

Number 6 of the 50 Things I Like About Me

Well, since Lisa admits to having worked on her list of 50 for a few days, I guess I don't feel quite so bad about struggling with my 50....

I'm only up to #6, and already I'm wondering if I'll make it to 10!

Number 6:
I accept Monday mornings for what they are.... Monday morning.

Given the opportunity/influence, I would allow everyone I know to take Monday mornings "off". No college classes on Monday mornings. The work day would begin at 1 p.m on Mondays. Gyms would remain closed until 1, as well. Honestly, don't we deserve a gradual entry into a new week?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

50 Things, numbers 4 & 5

4) I'm a good cook.

We had dinner guests last night.... We had Spicy Marinated Steak, Greek Yogurt Chicken, Garlic and Bleu Cheese Grilled Mashed Potatoes (Omar's creation), Banana Bread Pudding and Cappuccino Fudge.

Gotta say, it was YUM-O!

5) I can talk sports with the guys!

I'm conversant in basketball, baseball, tennis, soccer, golf..... and I can fake it with most other sports, LOL. There are only a couple I'm truly clueless about: cricket and curling. Does ANYone understand them??

Thursday, June 19, 2008

50 Things I Like About Me, number 3

3) I have a sense of humor. About most things.

Right now, I'm sitting here with a stuffed lizard sitting on my shoulder, "watching," Omar says. He makes me laugh so much- Omar, not the lizard.

I enjoy laughing. You know it's good for your immune system to laugh.

We should all laugh more. There should be more stuff to laugh about. Don't you think?

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

50 Things, Number 2

2) I enjoy all kinds of movies.... Pirates of the Caribbean, At World's End was my most recent. I've always found the PotC movies to be an interesting combination of mythology, humor, gruesome special effects and hubba, hubba (Orlando). They make me go, "huh?" as often as they make me LOL....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

50 things???

I have a friend who blogged 50 things she likes about herself.

In 1 blog. In 1 sitting, I'm guessing.

Wonder how long it took her to come up with 50?

NO way I can do 50 at a time, but maybe 50, 1 day at a time?

So, Lisa, I'll see your 50, but mine will be 1 every day.

50 Things I Like About Myself:

1) I love my family, and they love me, too.... most of the time. ;)

Lisa's blog:

Friday, June 13, 2008

Summer Birds

I love birds.

I love birds, a lot!

I feed the birds outside my kitchen window, and I love to watch them while we're eating.... and they're eating. Right now, late spring, they empty the feeder twice a day, completely. They'd probably do it a third time if I refilled it quickly enough.

Year round, we have sparrows, finches, cardinals and doves. During the spring and summer, we add robins, gold finches, red-winged blackbirds, grackles, starlings, and grosbeaks.

Yesterday, in my neighbors' tree, I noticed a flurry.... I grabbed my binoculars and pulled into focus.... cedar waxwings!!! I was so excited!!! (In Texas, I only saw 1, once in 13 years.)

And this morning, early this morning, I was standing there, looking out, waiting for my first cup of tea to brew when I saw a newcomer.... a duck. A mallard, to be exact, waddling up to that special place in the grass where the sparrows and finches throw the food they don't want. I laughed. Out loud. What the heck?? (giggle)

As I lingered over a second cup of tea, I noted another newbie.... I couldn't identify her. No, I'm not sure it was a she-bird, but I'd bet on it because her coloring was "dull" which often afflicts the female of the species. I opened up my Audubon field guide and flipped thru the pages.... couldn't find her. Maybe she'll come back later, or tomorrow, so I can snap a picture to help identify her.
I really do love my birds....

Friday, June 6, 2008

Summer, oh summer

A week ago, the mornings were still in the 40s. And mid-day was maybe 70 degrees....

I would open all the windows to let the breezes cool the house.

And it was lovely. While it lasted. LOL

Yesterday, summer arrived in overdrive. Hot (for here) and humid. Oh ick!!! And so, the air conditioning got turned on, finally.

And it doesn't work.

This morning, the outside temp was 66; inside, it was 83. So, I opened the windows and doors to let some cooler air in, and put in a call to the AC repair.

Tomorrow, he will come. And we may set a temperature record for the day as well.

Hmmm. Well, at least I know one thing for SURE.... this Ohio summer will NOT be as hot and humid, nor last as long as the Texas summers I survived for the last 13 years.

With that in mind, I welcome summer- heat, humidity, mosquitoes and all.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Honestly, who needs this stuff?

And why can't I get rid of it??

We were cleaning the garage yesterday. Well, more accurately, we were rearranging the garage, moving some stuff to the attic storage, throwing some stuff out, emptying boxes, etc.

I ran across a box with some of my things in it.... Among the things in the box were a doll my Dad brought me from VietNam many, many years ago, and a purse/bag my dh gave me a few years ago. I repacked them to be saved even though the doll is discolored from age and totally not displayable, and I will probably never use the purse/bag again b/c it just doesn't fit my lifestyle anymore.


Well, I suppose one could make the argument that I hold on to the doll b/c my Dad is gone and I keep her to keep a piece of him.

What's the deal with the purse? Dh is most assuredly alive and well and he has given me many other more expensive and/or "dear" things before and since the bag.... so, why did I pack it back up to keep??

Thinking on it....