Monday, April 14, 2008



LOL.... Spring in Ohio looks very different than spring in Texas.

It has been warm for probably 2 months in Texas; flower beds are filling quickly with summer annuals. The push is on to get them in the ground before the heat of summer hits. Spring in Texas means bluebonnets and indian paintbrush, fressia and amaryllis.

Here, in northeast Ohio, spring comes and goes for a while, staying for a day or two before winter reappears briefly. After a couple days of winter cold, the temperature tiptoes back up toward 60 for a day or 2, maybe 3. Then overnight, it's 30 again! So far, spring is crocuses and daffodils. Tulips are sending up their green blades, but no flowers just yet. Trees hint at the green leaves to come. Grass turns green patch by patch, like a quilt, growing daily.

I haven't gotten the daffodils uploaded yet, so, until then, here's a Texas spring photo for you.... enjoy!