Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What Do I Want to Be

when I grow up?

It's a difficult question. I have done so many jobs in my life. Most of them were just jobs. I didn't particularly hate them; nor did I particularly love them. They were jobs. Places to pause, but not places to stay.

So the question remains: what do I want to be when I grow up?

I want to write. And take photos. So, what's that called besides writer/photographer? I want to do something creative. But I need to help pay the mortgages. plural. You'd think that being "good" at those things might be enough to get you "in the door" but I'm here to tell you, it isn't. If you do portrait photography, it can be. Your income can grow by word of mouth. But if you do landscape, nature, news photography, you need credentials. Where would I find those?

It's the old catch-22: you need experience to get the job, but you need the job to get the experience. I promise, if I ever "make it," I will try to help out someone else. I'll pay it forward.

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