Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Number 7 of the things I like about me

7) I'm self sufficient.

At least most of the time. I wasn't much coddled as a child and I grew up being very self sufficient. In our early married years, Hubby traveled a great deal with his work, so my self sufficiency matured. During the child-rearing years, the patterns continued.

Thus, I reach the place I am today. I am a grown up woman, with grown up children, who really rarely "needs" anything from anyone.

From time to time I cross a jar I can't open on my own. Actually, I probably could if I persevered, but why bother when there are 3 strong men in the house?? I call for muscle and, presto change-o, the jar is open!

Yesterday, I bought a new filter for the aquarium. Let me just say I've been dealing with aquarium stuff for over 20 years. And I've never had any trouble with a filter. You put it together, hang it over the edge, fill it with water, plug it in and it goes. Except yesterday, it would not go. Would not run, for whatever reason. Brand new filter, right out of the box, not working.

I will admit to becoming very frustrated after about 30 minutes of fiddling with it. I gave up. I unplugged it and walked away, saying to Omar, "I'll have Dad take a look at it...."

After dinner, I tackled it again. I fiddled. I wiggled. I cursed. I sighed. I got it working!!!

I still don't know why the darn thing wouldn't work right off, but eventually it did, and I felt like I deserved something.... like a Pulitzer Prize for domestic engineering?

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