Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Follow up to Don't Spoil Dad

Yesterday, while out running errands, Omar and I discussed dessert....

I said, "Let's do something light and summery.... maybe some lemon sorbet with blueberries?" We were standing in a bakery at the time, so I added, "with a cookie of some kind?" So we perused the display and decided on a Pecan Crispy- a huge flat, round thing with pecans and who know what else.

By the way, I was planning on making crab cakes for dinner, so I thought something light and fruity sounded like a good balance.

The crab cakes were good. I served them with some Mango-Peach Salsa, along with our usual huge salad to which I added orange sections, to pick up the fruit theme.

I went into the kitchen a couple hours later to put dessert together. With the kettle on for tea, and bowls out for the sorbet, I grabbed the bakery bag to warm and break the Pecan Crispy. About that time, Dad (aka Hubby) walked in and started poking around. I said to him, "Go on downstairs; I'll bring dessert in a few."

His response? "Omar makes dessert from scratch, not a bakery bag."

Did I not say, "Don't spoil Dad?"

(by the way, dessert was yummy! I poured a bit of Lemoncello over the blueberries, and it was restaurant quality, even if I say so myself....)

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