Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crisis, Part 2!

OK. Not funny....

I got dressed, did my hair, put on makeup!!! All to run some errands. Remember the bird food shortage? Well, that, plus the post office, and Target, with maybe a little stop off at Starbucks for a chai.... that was the plan.

The garage door won't open.

Last night, Hubby and I were in the kitchen when we heard this huge crash! We both said, "WHAT THE HECK????" But when he went out to the garage, which is where the crash sounded like it came from, there was nothing amiss. So, we figured it must have been from the neighbor's garage.

This morning, he left thru the garage. Son left thru the garage. I, however, can't leave thru the garage because we have a broken spring. And I can't open it manually, either, because we have a broken spring. OY!

The good news, I suppose, is that the repairman is coming this afternoon. The bad news, isn't there always bad news? is that it is not covered by our home warranty. I don't have a choice. I can't get my car out of the garage without getting the spring repaired.

Big sigh. What'cha gonna do?

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