Saturday, October 6, 2007

Star Gazing

I did a little star gazing this morning.

I was up way too early because it is the month of Ramadan, and I was up with hubby and son to have breakfast before sunrise....

Then, I pulled a throw around my nightie and headed out to the deck to watch the day break. And was surprised to see this beautiful formation of celestial bodies. At the time, I wasn't sure what it was, except a lovely sight for sleepy eyes.

The crescent moon hung half way between the horizon and overhead. Below her was a brilliant bright body. Now, I know it was Venus. And off to the left of Venus was a star, singularly bright in itself, tho paling to Venus' brilliance. It was Regulus. Who knew?

I sat and watched as the moon moved up, out of my line of sight; Regulus faded into the growing morning light; Venus grew dimmer and dimmer.

As the horizon grew from dark blue to lighter blue then on to palest pink, the heavenly night show came to an end. And day began.

For more info:

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