Tuesday, June 17, 2008

50 things???

I have a friend who blogged 50 things she likes about herself.

In 1 blog. In 1 sitting, I'm guessing.

Wonder how long it took her to come up with 50?

NO way I can do 50 at a time, but maybe 50, 1 day at a time?

So, Lisa, I'll see your 50, but mine will be 1 every day.

50 Things I Like About Myself:

1) I love my family, and they love me, too.... most of the time. ;)

Lisa's blog: http://notjustanylisa.blogspot.com/

1 comment:

notjustanylisa said...

Oh Susan...good for you!!! I cheated by the way....I made my list over a few days and then posted it. Hee hee...keep it up!!!